In "Quarry," Lisa J. Cihlar portrays a woman embodying the spirit of a fox, navigating life with cunning and fearlessness. Among her rabbit friends, she moves through the natural world with keen instincts, defying traps and embracing her wild nature. Cihlar’s vivid imagery captures the tension between survival and freedom, as the protagonist turns the tables on danger and claims her place in a harsh landscape.

In "Rest Stop," Lisa Cihlar presents a gravedigger who finds solace and vitality in his work, dancing among the graves he tends. Through vivid imagery, the poem contrasts the somber duty of burying the dead with the gravedigger's private rituals of joy and care. Cihlar explores themes of life, death, and the quiet, often unseen, acts of devotion that bring light to dark places.

In "A Brief Encounter," Lisa Cihlar crafts a surreal and whimsical narrative where a wolf, burdened with malfunctioning technology and restless birds, seeks help from an unsuspecting homeowner. The story blends humor and absurdity as the characters navigate an unexpected situation, culminating in a liberating dance. Cihlar's playful prose invites readers to embrace the fantastical and find joy in the unexpected.

In "Wild Strawberries," Lisa Cihlar reflects on complex mother-daughter dynamics through vivid memories of childhood. The narrator contemplates the lingering impact of her mother, intertwined with scenes of picking strawberries and the pain of growing up. Cihlar explores themes of inheritance, both genetic and emotional, as the narrator wrestles with her past and the fear of becoming her mother, all while longing for freedom.

In "So We Decided to Keep," Lisa Cihlar explores the multifaceted nature of the word "keep," weaving together various forms of keeping--from the domestic to the existential. Through repetition and wordplay, Cihlar delves into the ways we cling to, protect, and sometimes lose meaning in the things we choose to keep. The poem reflects on the burdens and paradoxes of maintaining control in different aspects of life.

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